About Us

My Name is Rachel Lantz, the founder and Owner of RxCoverings.com. At RxCoverings the goal is to continually seek out innovations in comfort that provide a better life for those living with pain. It’s the prefect pairing of my experience, my dreams, and my passion

My Story started 37 years ago while working in many different areas of health Care. While working with the terminally ill in the Home Health Care and Hospice Care fields for more than half my life, I’ve had the privilege getting know the many severely disabled clients in my care. Many of these illnesses included stroke, spinal cord and brain stem injuries. I was frustrated to discover the medical community had not considered certain simple help aids that could provide basic added comfort to those who suffered the chronic pain. So, with a little creativity, ingenuity, and tons of feedback from patients, I started RxCoverings.

We have more exciting ideas in development that have come directly from customers. We want to hear from you as well. Please sign up to our website below and we will keep you posted with updates. You will also automatically receive a 15% discount code for your next order. Thank you for trusting RxCovering and feel free to contact us anytime with question and suggestions.

Best Wishes,

Rachel Lantz
